Lots of plans for 2016


I just came home from Mexico to cold Gothenburg, back to the room I lived in this summer. I did a lot of writing for the new album which is slowly turning from a scary to exciting project. I´ve always been a bit reluctant to having to share the nakedness of lyrics and thats one of my theorys of why I articulate kind of badly while singing. I´ve also tended to write overly cryptic but this album I´m going to try to give the music justice and spend a bit more time on it. I´m happy things are turning out OK. I bit of a bit more than I could chew and told everyone we soon are going to begin recording when I only had 5-9 songs (or ideas).  I think there is potential in this album, really, but we´ll see what happens – it could be awful, but I don’t think so. I haven’t figured out what to name the album yet, there isn’t a theme and I have a hard time deciding before the album begins to take shape, its one of the greatest parts of the recording process – seeing a album grow and get sort of a ”personality”, thats when I like to seriusly start thinking of names.

I´ve talked to IA and Morgan Ågren and decided to start working in January. It feels great to know things are going to start rolling, I’m never as happy as when I’m making progress with my music and being in Gothenburg it self is great. It sounds very much like a kliché but music has probably saved me, especially when working on Bright Morning. My father died and I was a heavy morfin addict, I forced myself to stay in reasonable shape and get focused before sessions. And feeling need to finish what you have started. I don’t have that problem anymore at all but it motivates me to stay somewhat healthy in general. I’m very much driven by the fear of my life not having meaning and don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have this project. So I’m very excited. I´ve also started working in movies doing very small parts and background stuff. Its great, a lot of fun and gives me some much needed cash.

IA has bought lots of new video equipment and wants to record some music-videos. We didn’t do any for Bright Morning, we haven’t even made a cover or printed it yet but it seems like it will be coming soon. I´ve given a lot of thought to which song I should chose, probably track 4 (Sober day long gone) or 11 (Bright Morning, which is a bit to long) but if you have suggestions I´d be happy to hear them. I´m hopping to make some videos and documentation of the recording process, like the Morgan Ågren – Lost search blues on YouTube. Morgan is such an amazing drummer, he almost always dos the song in one (and often the first) take and when you stand in the room its like a tsunami of sound that just drops your jaw to the floor.

I was so glad and surprised to read all of your encouraging messages and comments and also see people actually read this. I would have written more often but very little happens out in the Swedish woods, only Volvo cars and gossip, I´ve spent to many years as a cat in a fish tank. I almost forgot to tell you these past couple of months I have been moving around Småland, not much to tell. I will probably write more often now when thing start to happen and keep you updated. A new interesting time in the life of Ben and the Mindstunt project!


Thank you for reading.

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